Looking for a childcare in Brookvale? There must be quite a few things in your mind. There are some things which you should consider when you are enrolling your child at an early learning centre. At day care your child would come cross caregivers, children their age and some older or younger to them. They would learn loads of new things. However in order to ensure that they get to have the best early learning experience, make sure you ask the following questions when choosing a childcare in Brookvale.
- Every learning centre has a certain philosophy on which they base their learning outcomes. At some point their values should be somewhat in keeping with your own values. This way you can be assured that your child would learn what you deem as important. A child goes through a great deal of mental and physical development. Learning in the right direction would ensure an overall growth in all important areas.
- What kind of child care are you looking for? Do you want one where your child can be happy and have a good time? There are those day care which prioritise learning through play. However, if you are looking for a more academic oriented study, maybe you should look for a day care which focuses on learning as well.
- How do they plan to provide the necessary nutrition to the children? Growing children need proper food to develop at a healthy pace. There is no harm in asking what their meal plan is like. The meals should be fresh and nutritious. Also they should be served in a way which is palatable for younger children too.
- Get to know how much it would cost to enter your child at the day care centre. Different daycares have their own fee structure. You would need to choose a day care which comes under your budget.
- What health and safety measures do they take to ensure your child’s safety? Naturally as a parent you must be worried whether the place where your child would be going for the day is safe and healthy. Is it clean and well-kept? If possible visit the child care on your own to see if it’s clean and airy.
- Do they help you keep track of your child’s progress? Children reach milestones at their own pace. The aim of the childcare is not to hurry your child along these milestones but to actually see that your child achieves them at their own pace. The caregiver would be in touch with you to talk about any delays or problems which they feel should be addressed. Similarly they would also appreciate your child’s progress and suggest measures for further improvement.
- Are the care givers qualified to look after your children? They should have the right education and experience of dealing with young children.
Asking these questions in mind would help you arrive at a informed decision.